After printing my publication I asked to questions to a group of other students in class
- Do you think the front cover book and design fits well with the content
- What colour wire best fits the book. (I brought samples)
I got mainly good feedback, I was told the colour of the cover worked well with the theme and reminded them of chip shop chips in paper. I was also told to use both of the wires to see what works best but the black best suits the colours.
I did get a negative comment saying that the colours inside the book maybe a bit childlike and not appeal to students but on other critiques people said that they liked the colour and it worked well. Therefore I am sticking with the colour scheme and going ahead with my cover idea.
I also asked them weather I should use mount board for the back and front to make them thicker and they suggested I should to make it more professional and use 3 or 4mm.