Saturday, October 10, 2015

Logotype Presentation

On friday we presented our global rebranding to a group and got some feedback from our peers and tutors. We created our powerpoint presentation as a group and we decided not to include to much text as we did not want that to distract from what we were saying. We also discussed what slides each of us would talk about. I decided to talk about what our design would be like on merchandise.

This is some feedback we got from the other groups.

Some of the most common points were,
  • They like the metal lettering and how it links to cars.
  • They like the name change and feel it is appropriate to the companies identity.
  • They like how we experimented with colour.
  • They said it may not stand out at a distance.
  • It looks good on some merchindise. 
Two of our tutors also gave feedback on our work and this is some of the points that they made,
  • It was good that we started the presintation with the final logo design.
  • We had a clear reason for the renaming of the company.
  • They enjoyed how we looked into the photography of the existing website when working on the colour scheme and the experimentation.
  • They said that we cannot justify things by saying 'because we like it' and we need to expand on why we made certain choices.
  • They think the auto care part of the logo is to small and would not be legible on merchandise. 
  • Also we needed to work on the kerning.
I am going to take all of this feedback into consideration when creating the logotype for my next project and look more into kerning.

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